I usually don’t understand why people get the feeling of taking revenge. And all this while I was wondering why does the ‘feel of revenge’ even exist. But then probably I have answered all these questions. People say, only situations and experience teach you everything. That’s when one would understand things well. This is what has happened to me I guess.
I never used to believe in taking revenge. I used to keep my cool and take life as it comes. My friends tell me that I am a kid coated with sugar all over. But few situations tend to make you act in an undesirable manner. Manner in which no one would expect you to.
This time blood boiled. Imagine a situation. You have a person who is going through a very bad phase in life. You first try and understand that person with lots of pain. Make he/she feel comfortable and then slowly take that person out of hell. Then you get to be the most closest person. Trust me!!! That is the most awesome feeling one could experience. I experienced it for a long time. For everything good that happens, something bad will happen. It’s important how you handle that situation.
I was thrown out in no time. Things changed drastically. And why was I thrown out? Probably because it was time for me to be thrown out. I was just a passerby. I was looked upon as a person who will just steady the ship. Once the ship was steady, I was pushed into the ocean. Worst part, I did not know to swim.
I am quite smart and cannot be fooled easily. But I was proved wrong. I was fooled and was stranded. I was brought down to knees in to time. I was made a complete entertainment package like “tata sky – isko laga dala toh life jingalala”. Indeed that’s what had happened. My life was ruined.
I am not a saint attaining sainthood. I am normal human being looking out for a revenge. When I am good, am really good and when I am bad, I AM REALLY BAD. People who know me well, will know it better. And I don’t say things without thinking. And when I decide to do something, I make sure I do it. I will follow the same principles which were used on me.
I went through hell and people were not bothered. I shed tears and no one was there to wipe them. I was not even having the basic support. I was pushed into hell, for taking out someone from that hell. Am not a fool to fold my hands and accept everything gracefully. I will act and will create an impact. No one can take me for granted.
Hope people realize that my thinking is not wrong. My reactions are justified. A deep thought should be given to what I have penned down. Someone should get into my situation and visualize how it feels. Am not wrong this time.